
2025 Points Accumulation

Point Accumulation

Points will be collected on exhibitors Top 7 Shows. Consisting of collecting points on exhibitors Top 3 pigs at their Top 7 highest scoring shows, including barrows and gilts and Top 7 highest showmanship placings. **subject to change prior to the start of season due to the number of total shows. 
Points will be prorated based on the number of pigs in the breed division. Four (4) or more pigs in the division merits full points as listed below for class, breed and overall champion.  Three (3) or less pigs in a division merits half (1/2) class points, full breed and full overall champion points as listed below. 

The following points accumulation scale will be used to tally WSPA member points.

Points will be awarded for the exhibition in classes as follows:

 1st  place: 20 Points

 2nd place: 18 Points

 3rd place: 16 Points

 4th place: 14 Points

 5th place: 12 Points

6th place & below: 10 Points

Breed Champion’s Points will be awarded as follows:

Champion: 15 Points

Reserve Champion: 10 Points

Overall Barrow & Gilt Champion’s Points will be awarded as follows:

Grand Champion: 20 points

Reserve Champion: 10 points

3rd Overall: 5 points

4th Overall: 3 points

5th Overall: 2 points

Showmanship points will be awarded for top place as follows:

1st  place: 20 Points

2nd place: 18 Points

3rd  place: 16 Points

4th place: 14 Points

5th place: 12 Points

6th place: 10 points

7th place: 9 points

8th place: 8 points

9th place: 7 points

10th place: 6 points

11th & below: 5 Points

2025 WSPA General Show Rules

1. All shows must have Gilt, Barrow, Showmanship and Skillathon Divisions.
2. The show host will weigh pigs during the morning of the show. Hogs will not be allowed to weigh the night before with the exception of doubleheaders hosted at the same location.
3. Entries for all shows will be made through the Once you enter the information on an exhibitor and/or a pig into the app , it will be retrievable for all future shows.
4. Failure to register with the correct Showman-app account could result in loss of points for that show.
5. For showmanship, show hosts must record the Top 10 for each age division as well as the name of each participant as every participant in showmanship earns 5 points.
6. Only grand and reserve breed champions (gilts and barrows) can be considered for the selection of overall top 5 gilt and barrow honors.
7. Shows are open to any youth 21 years old and younger as of Jan. 1, 2025. Out of state youth are welcome to show, however, only youth members of the WSPA will be eligible to collect points. Any state-fair aged youth that fulfills the requirement to exhibit in the Junior Swine Show at WI State Fair (WSF) is eligible to become a member of the WSPA.
8. All members must have a completed 2025 membership form, that includes the Code of Conduct, on file and be a paid member before points will accumulate.
9. Youth dues are $30 per individual. Wisconsin and other eligible youth 21 years old and younger as of Jan. 1, 2025, are eligible to become WSPA youth members. Paid memberships prior to April 1st, includes member T-shirt.
10. There is no minimum age limit to collect points but the member must be able to exhibit their pig on their own without assistance. Special arrangements can be made for exhibitors that need special accommodation. Please reach out to WSPA B.O.D for outside requests.
11. Each premise I.D. must present a copy of Certificate of Veterinary Inspection at each show.
12. Ear notches will be used for hog identification at each of the shows.
13. Each breed will have their own class regardless of entry numbers, however, points will be pro-rated if there are three (3) or less pigs in a breed division at a particular show. See Point Accumulation Section on website.
14. The crossbred division will be divided into Light and Dark cross divisions. The Champion Light and Champion Dark will compete for the Champion Crossbred, same for the Reserves.  Only the Champion/Res Crossbred will go on to compete for the Top 5 Overall. Once a pig is exhibited in a division they must compete in that division for the remainder of the season. Changing of division will result in forfeiture of points. If you question if your pig qualifies as a light cross, ask a WSPA Board Member.
a. DARK CROSS – To classify as a dark cross, the animal must have black pigment & hair in the same location.  Examples: Black belted, White hog with black spots, Calico with black spots, White hog with a black head.
a. LIGHT CROSS – To classify as a light cross, the animal must have white and non-black pigment.  Examples: Red Belts, Red Roans, Blues & Blue Butts (including blues with black pigment on snout and toes)
15. Barrows will be shown by breed and weight but must be born after Nov. 1, 2024.
16. Gilts will be judged as breeding gilts. Purebred gilts will show by age. Crossbred gilts will show by weight. All gilts must be born after Nov. 1, 2024.
17. Barrows and crossbred gilts may be shown at any weight.
18. All purebreds must meet respective breed characteristics.
19. Registration papers must be submitted before July 1st, 2025. Failure to submit registration papers nullifies points and next pig moves up. Birthdate of gilts on registration papers submitted late season, must be close to the date gilt was shown as to keep points.
20. Exhibitor must be present to exhibit their own animal to earn points. The only exception is if an exhibitor has two pigs in the same class or multiple pigs in a division or drive.
21. Once a pig is exhibited by a WSPA member and points are collected on that pig, no other WSPA member may collect points on that pig the rest of the show circuit, including family members.
22. End of season award tiebreakers will be broken by the person with the most wins.
23. A hog must obtain points at a minimum of two shows to qualify for an end of season award.
24. Showmanship classes will be split into the following age divisions: Little Whips (4 and under); Novice (5-8); Junior (9-12); Intermediate (13-16); and Senior (17-21). Ages are as of Jan. 1, 2025.
25. Skillathon Divisions will follow the are as follows: Novice (8 and under); Junior (9-12); Intermediate (13-16); Senior (17-21)
26. For the 2025 season, each exhibitor’s Top 7 shows will count for award points. *subject to change based on total show numbers. Will be finalized by March 30th 2025
27. The Overall Division will combine exhibitors points on their Top 3 pigs from their Best _ shows plus their Showmanship Points from their best _ finishes.
28. Any grievances must be presented in writing to a WSPA representative within 24 hours of the incident and accompanied by a $100 fee. Fee will be refunded if grievance upheld.
29. A WSPA representative will be present at each show.

**As of January 26, 2025**

2025 WSPA Sanctioned Show Host Rules

1. Sanctioned shows must submit a Show Agreement to the WSPA by February 15, 2025.
2. Show hosts must attend a virtual show host meeting on March 4, 2025 starting at 6:00pm.
3. All shows must have Gilt, Barrow, Showmanship and Skillathon Divisions (provided by WSPA).
4. All shows will weigh pigs during the morning of the show. Hogs will not be allowed to weigh the night before with the exception of doubleheaders hosted at the same location.
5. Show hosts must offer a clean and dry area for weigh in including, but not limited to holding pens, registration line numbers, bedding, lime, ect.
6. Show hosts must use the Showman.App for their show. The original fee will be covered by WSPA.
7. Show Hosts are required to submit a deposit check for $400 to be a sanctioned show. Half of this, $200, will be returned upon fulfillment of all Show host Rules.
8. Show results must be entered accurately into the Showman.App prior 8:00p.m. on Wednesday following their show.
9. Entries through the will collect the following information: exhibitor info, breed, ear notch identification, weight (if applicable), birthdate (if applicable).
10. Show hosts are required to enter results for each class placing, breed champions, overall top 5.
11. For showmanship, show hosts must record the Top 10 for each age division as well as the name of each participant as every participant in showmanship earns 5 points.
12. Only grand and reserve breed champions (gilts and barrows) can be considered for the selection of overall top 5 gilt and barrow honors.
13. Shows are open to any youth 21 years old and younger as of Jan. 1, 2025.
14. Show hosts must review Certificate of Veterinary Inspection for each premise ID prior to start of show and retain a copy for 5 years.
15. Ear notches will be used for hog identification at each of the shows and should be verified.
16. The crossbred division will be divided into Light and Dark cross divisions. The Champion Light and Champion  Dark will compete for the Champion Crossbred, same for the Reserves.  Only the Champion/Res Crossbred will go on to compete for the Top 5 Overall. Once a pig is exhibited in a division they must compete in that division for the remainder of the season. Changing of division will result in forfeiture of points. If you question if your pig qualifies as a light cross, ask a WSPA Board Member.
a. DARK CROSS – To classify as a dark cross, the animal must have black pigment & hair in the same location.  Examples: Black belted, White hog with black spots, Calico with black spots, White hog with a black head.
a. LIGHT CROSS – To classify as a light cross, the animal must have white and non-black pigment.  Examples: Red Belts, Red Roans, Blues & Blue Butts (including blues with black pigment on snout and toes)
17. Barrows will be shown by breed and weight but must be born after Nov. 1, 2024.
18. Gilts will be judged as breeding gilts. Purebred gilts will show by age. Crossbred gilts will show by weight. All gilts must be born after Nov. 1, 2024
19. Barrows and crossbred gilts may be shown at any weight.
20. All purebreds must meet respective breed characteristics.
21. Showmanship classes will be split into the following age divisions: Little Whips (4 and under); Novice (5-8); Junior (9-12); Intermediate (13-16); and Senior (17-21). Ages are as of Jan. 1, 2025.
22. Skillathon Divisions will follow the are as follows: Novice (8 and under); Junior (9-12);
Intermediate (13-16); Senior (17-21)

 WSPA By-Laws

Mission Statement:
To foster and promote Wisconsin’s growing show pig industry by providing opportunities for youth to develop their knowledge, leadership, fellowship, life skills and respect for themselves, the swine industry, agriculture and its goals by working with swine producers, other showmen and allied industry professionals.

I) Organization

  • The name of this organization shall be the Wisconsin Show Pig Association.
  • The WSPA is a summer show pig circuit that consists of sanctioned shows and youth activities.
  • Promotes Wisconsin Show Pig Producers
  • Educational platform for youth and producers involved in the swine industry
  • The Executive Board of Directors will serve as the official record keepers.
  • The show season will take place, followed by an awards ceremony immediately after the junior swine showmanship at the Wisconsin State Fair.
  • is the official website of the WSPA.


II) Eligibility, Membership & Voting

a) Membership

i) Youth Membership: Open to any Wisconsin youth ages up to 21 years of age as of January 1 of the current year upon payment dues. Youth must be able to handle hog independently.
ii) Producer Membership: Open to any individual breeder, family, partnership or corporation actively engaged in the production of  show pigs and who reside within the state of Wisconsin, upon payment of their dues.
iii) General Membership: Open to anyone with interest, upon payment of dues.

b) Voting

i) Each Youth Member is allowed one (1) vote.
ii) Each Producer Member is allowed one (1) vote.
iii) Each General Member is allowed one (1) vote.

c) Termination of Membership
i) Any member, either youth or adult, who engages in fraudulent or unethical practices, who violates the bylaws or rules of this association or whose actions adversely affect the association may be terminated by a 2/3 vote of the board of directors.

III) Meetings

a) Meetings shall be conducted according to parliamentary procedure as set forth by the latest version of Roberts Rules of Order.  Meeting dates and locations will be determined by the board of directors and need
b) A quorum shall consist of 20 percent of the total number of members with voting privileges. A board of directors quorum shall  consist of 50 percent of the  total number of directors. The board of directors may appoint such other temporary or standing committees from membership as deemed appropriate.

IV) Board of Directors

a) WSPA Executive Board

i) The WSPA Executive Board of Directors shall manage the property and affairs of the association.
ii) The WSPA Executive Board of Directors shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, two Directors At-Large and two youth members.
iii) Directors shall be elected by ballot.
iv) Three-year term, end of third year may reapply
v) Two consecutive term limit
vi) Board members can be removed at any time due to failure to uphold duties of a WSPA Executive Board member.
vii) Duties of Executive Officers:
(a) President: The president shall preside at all meetings of the board of directors and with said board, have general supervision of the affairs of the association.
(b) Vice President: The vice president shall discharge the duties of the president in the event of absence or disability of the president.
(c) Secretary: The secretary shall keep a true and accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings and keep such books,  papers and documents pertaining to the organization as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
(d) Treasurer: The treasurer shall have custody of the funds, and keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements; disburse the funds of the association as ordered by the board and keep record of all financial transactions of  the association.
(e) Directors At-Large: The two Directors At-Large are to sit on the board of directors to provide input, feedback, and  suggestions to changes or potential changes that will affect the WSPA.
(f) Youth Members: The two youth members are to sit on the board of directors to provide input, feedback, and suggestions to changes or potential changes that will affect the WSPA youth membership.

b) WSPA Junior Activities Board

i) The Junior Activities Board shall prepare, plan and execute youth educational activities of the WSPA with oversight from the Executive Board and other tasks    as directed by the Executive Board.
ii) The Junior Activities Board (JAB) shall consist of 6 youth members between the ages of 12-21 as of Jan. 1 of the election year.
iii) JAB members will be elected by a full membership ballot.
iv) JAB Board members will select a chairperson and secretary as representatives on the executive board. Chairperson and secretary will be elected from board members in their second year of their term.
v) Two-year term
vi) Terms cannot be consecutive
v) Two-year term
vii) One youth member per family is allowed to serve on the JAB. Replacements for individuals who reach adult member age in   their second year will be elected at the annual meeting.
viii) Board members can be removed at any time due to failure to uphold duties of a WSPA Executive Board member.

c) Vacancies: Shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining directors at their next meeting.

V) Dissolution

a) In the event of dissolution of the WSPA, all remaining funds will be transferred to other youth livestock organizations.